Trump vs. DeSantis, Kennedy – Nixon

What’s the connection?

When I see something that doesn’t make sense, my immediate reflex is to ask why. Last week my Governor (I’m a Floridian) Ron DeSantis did what everyone was expecting and announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election. No big surprise here.

By positioning himself and pasturing for over a year in preparation, DeSantis laid the groundwork to solidify the direction of the primary election. Even though he is still Florida’s governor, he traveled the country visiting different cities and states; he even traveled abroad to meet foreign leaders, all designed with one purpose, exposing the world to Ron DeSantis in preparation for this momentous announcement.

And Surprise! Instead of having a national TV extravaganza, Ron and Elon had a Twitter Spaces, audio-only RUD (rapid unscheduled disassembly). By the way, this wasn’t the only RUD Elon engineered in the last few months. Check out my Starship video.

Now don’t take this wrong, I’m a big fan of both men and I applaud Elon’s approach to Twitter, but I am saying this should never have happened. So why did it? The whole thing just doesn’t make sense.

I began to wonder, and this is my take on what happened. I wasn’t a fly on the wall when Elon and Ron hatched this plan of theirs, and neither made any attempt to reach out for my opinion. But I think it’s pretty obvious even to the casual onlooker that they put the cart in front of the horse. Instead of leaping forward, everyone is talking about DeSantis’ great fall.

It’s simple. DeSantis should have made his announcement a TV extravaganza, an event fit for media commentary. He should have stood at the podium (where he’s most comfortable) with his family at his side, laid out his plan and policies, and it would’ve served as an excellent jumping-off point into the New Hampshire primary. Then, after the coming out party, DeSantis could do an exclusive interview on Twitter Spaces hosted by Elon and Bam, success. But of course that isn’t what happened and the reason why is something that most (if not all) media and political pundits are overlooking.

Ron DeSantis is not TV extravaganza material and on that level, he doesn’t hold a candle to Trump’s public persona. I’ve seen him in person at a fairly intimate public forum where DeSantis spoke to a few hundred people. I was seated in the middle of the room almost directly in front of the podium. DeSantis came in, went straight to the podium, and gave his speech (very well I might add). By the way, more than just a few times we made eye contact and he spoke directly to me. Now before you blast me for bragging, I know that choosing one individual in an audience to speak to is a public speaking technique. I’m just saying it happened, and more than once or twice.

After the speech, DeSantis sat on stage with the host and answered questions. Then he got up, shook hands with the host, and left. During the entire episode, DeSantis only looked uncomfortable and forced, during that brief moment when he had to shake hands and converse (off mic) with the host.

The distinct difference between a politician like President Donald J. Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis is this. Trump cares about you and you know it because it’s genuine, not forced. I’m sure DeSantis cares too, but it isn’t obvious, especially on TV.

Here’s the Kennedy/Nixon connection. 70 million people watched the first-ever televised debate between a Vice-President and a Senator. Before the debate, Nixon was ahead. After the debate, Kennedy won the election. Of those Americans who watched the debate on TV, Kennedy was the clear winner. For those Americans (a small fraction) who listened to the debate on the radio, Nixon won.

Kennedy had his own makeup team; Nixon had no makeup at all. For Kennedy, the presentation was just as important as the message and he was right. By choosing to do an audio-only announcement, DeSantis attempted to change formats from an extravaganza setting (Trump’s comfort zone) to an oral debate setting (DeSantis’ comfort zone). It was a bad idea.

Ron-DeSantis1-16443810d2544dff948823be0dbb2abf.jpg (1500×1000) (

Don’t get me wrong, DeSantis would make a good president against any Democratic contender, but not against President Trump. From a voter’s perspective, Kennedy (and sadly Obama) proved beyond any doubt that after policy and track record, the most important question you have to be the answer to is this. Who would you like to have a Diet Coke with (Trump doesn’t drink alcohol)? If in 2024 the answer is still Donald J. Trump, DeSantis will make a great US Attorney General and future Republican nominee.

prez-donald-trump-18-smile-flag-getty-640×480.jpg (640×480) (

PS – Trump fills stadiums (not hotel conference rooms) and he does it nationally. DeSantis is a political star in Florida. Trump is a political force across the nation and around the world.

And don’t forget. Trump is comfortable in a debate environment too.


How the Kennedy-Nixon debate changed the world of politics | Constitution Center

Caution: most of this site is liberally biased. But isn’t it amazing how truth finds its way and the story stays the same through history? Debate: Opening Statements – Kennedy and Nixon: The Great Debate (

Omnibus 2022-23

McConnell (the Turtle) did it again.

As a man of words, I hear and use many terms that I’ve become accustomed to using without retaining the precise meaning. I’m not the only one who does this, of course, and when words are used like that often enough, their meaning changes. For example, when I hear the word omnibus used to describe legislation, there exists an almost ominous preconception. But that’s not entirely fair to the word.

The precise meaning of omnibus is a collection of previously published novels, tomes, catalogs, or other items originally published separately. Hmmm …  doesn’t seem very ominous, does it? Well, perception is relative, and here’s another example.

The Turtle (Mitch McConnell) has struck again. He TURTLED in the face of pressure from the democratic left (Chuck-U-Schumer and Bitter Nancy Pelosi) and voted for the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill. Why? Because it’s patently bad for America, and it helps the Turtle stay in power. Remember, he’s the senate minority leader. He needs support from moderate democrats to have any influence at all. Good for Mitch, not so good for taxpayers like you and me, who have to fund this monstrosity.

They say Biden-flation is only 7.5%. But I’m old enough to remember back to the Carter years and Carter-flation of 14.0%. If we’re only at 7%, why does it feel like 14% (see this)? Adding another 1.7 trillion to the national debt, nearly half of which is discretionary spending (stuff we don’t need), is only going to make things worse.

Why Mitch, why? Maybe the Turtle doesn’t think Americans have suffered enough (see ….).

September 1977, Washington, DC, USA — President Carter Speaking at Press Conference — Image by © Wally McNamee/CORBIS

Which of the above is the worst President ever? Trick question: there is no wrong answer.

The 1.7 trillion Dollar Omnibus Bill of 2022-23 is a perfect example of why the word omnibus is so ominous when it refers to spending bills. This bill is over four thousand pages long, and not a single elected official has read every page. Do they know what they’re buying with our money? Do you? It’s all very ominous indeed.

It’s an Ominous Omnibus, and I’m not the only one who thinks so.

PS – After clicking the link above, listen to Kudlow, and don’t forget to scroll down to see Rand Paul with the actual bill.

Wendy Bell, 12-05-22

Newsmax TV host

Wendy Bell

I happened to catch the tail end of Wendy Bell’s show last week and as usual, she spoke about current events. There was good reporting, quality panel discussion, and even articulate editorializing, but then she took a commercial break.

After the break, Wendy went into her op-ed segment, something that I usually look forward to hearing. She began with a tease about how during her last two shows she expressed opinions that sparked enormous amounts of negative press and angry tweets, especially from conservatives. Apparently, they struck a nerve with their response.

These are the issues she said caused the unwarranted animus. First, there’s her position on Trump. She doesn’t think he’s necessarily the best man for the job and that there may be others more qualified. Also, she thinks in order for the GOP to win in 2024, the conservative platform needs to abandon the abortion issue in favor of other more important concerns like the economy, crime, and the border.

Wendy defended her position with little regard for the legitimacy of the anger she ignited. Conservatives don’t just get upset for any reason, and if they do, they usually don’t take the next step of documenting their anger unless they’re really upset. I think Wendy missed the point here. She has every right to express her opinion but she doesn’t have a right to delegitimize opposing opinion just because it’s expressed with anger.

So, to be on the safe side, I will express my opinion without an angry tone or exasperated sarcasm. For America to be great again, we need President Trump back in the Whitehouse. Will it always be pretty, polite, and dignified? No. Trump is result-orientated; pushing, shoving, and shouting are often necessary to motivate real results. Need proof? Look how far America has fallen in just two years under Biden’s politically sophisticated and well-bred leadership.

I think we need Trump more than ever and if he isn’t given the chance to finish what he started six years ago, the implications are far more insidious than could possibly be imagined. But that’s a subject for a future post.

As important as Trump is to the future of this country, he pales in comparison to holding on to our true values as conservative Americans. I’m sorry Wendy, but the responsibility to save lives is always good. It’s good for the economy. It reduces crime (abortion is murder). It maintains a strong and viable population, and it’s not something that begins or ends at our border. Abortion, as a means of birth control, is absolutely wrong. The conservative platform should always contain a Pro-Life plank.

For now, Wendy is entitled to her opinion regarding Trump, abortion, and anything else she chooses to talk about because in America, free speech still exists, and everybody has a right to be wrong.

I don’t know Wendy personally, but I assume she has the family that she wants; a husband, children, and maybe even grandchildren. However, by forsaking life, she completely dismisses the fact that many men in America don’t have the family they want, and never will … Roe vs. Wade.

PS – Abortion is not illegal in the US; by overturning Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court simply put it back where it belongs, The States.

The Deep Blue of the Northeast, West Coast

and How to Fix It

I’m not talking oceans here.

This is the fifth and final post (Yea!) in my midterm election series. Just so you know, I’m burnt out on the subject too. OK, let’s get it over with.

As I mentioned in a previous post 800 People, the left has nowhere else to go but a Deeper Shade of Blue. This is because the blue states are losing their population to red states. The opposition is leaving town and taking their votes with them. Without opposition, blue states are locked in a death spiral drawing them into a deeper hue of blue.

I’m not sure about the redness of Alaska and Georgia is purple at best.

Another thing the mass migration represents is a shift in money. The people moving to The Free State of Florida not only bring their vote, but they also bring their money. That’s because they’re the ones who have the most to lose, and they’re the ones who can afford to relocate.

These are the people who represent the opposition and the only barrier to deep blue progressivism. The people in the northeast and west coast regions have prospered for too long. They’ve lost the notion of freedom being something of value, something worth fighting for, and replaced it with a false sense of equality. To these people, equality is the only thing worth fighting for.

But there’s a huge problem with their premise. Equality, to its Nth degree, is communism. Take for example, any millionaire in any voting district across America. Is there a single one that would seriously trade places with a homeless person? Not on your life. But talking about equality makes them feel good, and voting Democratic makes them feel like they’re doing something about it. Why do they need to feel good about what they do? Because they had it so easy and for so long, they feel guilty about their good fortune. For them, it’s all about the feeling.  

Dainty Men make Hard Times, Hard Times make Strong Men, Strong Men make Easy Times, Easy Times make Dainty Men.

Reference my post The Dainty Men in America for an explanation of the above. It’s easy to see what stage America is in today, and it only leads to hard times.

Obviously, the people who stay in blue states (as each fall deeper into the abyss) are the ones who will suffer the most. This is the fertile ground communism needs to grow. The dainty men (the commoners) who think everything should be given, not earned, will trade freedom for the promise of equality and then, be forced to settle for meager sustenance or die. It sounds like every communist state on the planet to me.

The battle lines are being drawn as we speak.

I mentioned that there’s a way to fix this horrid outcome, and here it is. It will take cunning, hard work, and perfect timing, but it can be done. First, we need to craft better candidates. Crafting better candidates requires tedious cultivation. These are not going to be conservatives. They’ll have to be what progressive voters consider as moderate. In blue states, these candidates must infiltrate every level of government without exception. Furthermore, they need to be supported by moderate conservatives in every appointed office.

The hearts and minds of the Dainty Populists will have to change. The Democratic-Communist Party of America will offer a free and easy ride. Conservatives will offer what? We need an answer that’s more attractive — I told you it would be difficult.

And then, if we want to change the rules, we need to play by the rules as they exist today and win. Otherwise, we will keep losing elections we shouldn’t, and we’ll never see a conservative majority again. What a mess we have. Freedom is just one generation from oblivion, and time is running out. Let’s fix it while we can.

PS – If we aren’t careful, the next Civil War will be Capitalist vs. Communist (south vs. north). Where have I heard that before?

The Dainty Men in America

Where Have All the Real Men Gone

The Red Ripple – America Hasn’t Suffered

This is the fourth in my midterm election series.

It’s late at night for this simple bus driver who must get up at 0430 (4:30 am for those in Rio Linda), and I just finished reading an article in the American Spectator by Scott McKay, Maybe America Hasn’t Suffered Enough – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics. I urge you to read it, don’t worry, it’s bus driver short.

Scott’s point is this, with inflation just beginning to take hold, unemployment looming but not severe, recession waiting around the corner, and government handouts still flooding the economy; Americans haven’t suffered to a degree sufficient to change their voting habits. This may be how the Red Tidal Wave became a gentile red tide.

In his article Scott references an adage about Weak Men and Tough Times; it’s something I’ve heard before but didn’t know its origins. So this simple bus driver did a little digging. It turns out the saying comes from the ancient Greeks who were talking about the rise and fall of governments and the people governed. Weak Men Make Hard Times – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics is another article you should read. It really brings the concept home for every American older than forty-five.

Weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men. The cycle repeats itself over and over again in human history. This is a fact.

In light of the woke, CRT, pronoun-sensitive, testosterone-phobic, snowflake generation of today, I think there needs to be a modernization of this maxim.

Dainty Men make Hard Times, Hard Times make Strong Men, Strong Men make Easy Times, Easy Times make Dainty Men.

The USNS Harvey Milk, bow view, dry-dock (I’m sorry). 

Soft Men implies, at least to me, lazy or weak, not woke or effeminate. The generation of today has skipped past laziness and gone straight to dainty. The US Navy has a ship named the USNS Harvey Milk, celebrating the Gay Rights leader who was other than honorably discharged from the Navy. And did I read somewhere that he was a pedophile? Now, he has a US Navy ship. Gotta wonder, where the real men are, and do they drink Navy milk? I apologize for that double-entendre. But somebody needs to ask.

USNS Harvey Milk, stern view. I am SO sorry 😉.

And let’s not forget that today’s Army recruitment tools include animated cartoon characters touting the benefits of diversity, sensitivity, and pronoun selection. Do you think our enemies care which pronoun they’re shooting at? And here’s some more food for thought. If the enemy shoots an American-they, does it count as more than one kill? Again, just asking.

The DOD is a bad Woke Joke, and the lead comedian is General Milley. I will not mince words; you are in Gross Dereliction of Duty. General Mark Milley “Mouth,” listen to me. I do not want a SENSITIVE, KIND, ACCEPTING, and FORGIVING MILITARY. I want a military that KICKS ASS. Period!

It’s this type of political correctness that influences dainty men to vote their emotions. I know it seems like I conflated separate issues; looming hard economic times, the weak US military, woke agenda, and the Red Tide Fizzle, but each is at the heart of Liberal Progressivism. A weak and woke military, backed by dainty people willing to sacrifice freedom for freebies, are ripe for communist takeover. And the communist will do it by exploiting the emotional vote. How else do you get to the point where Drag-Queens are appropriate in public grade schools?

Rainbow-Dildo-Butt-Monkey reading to kids like yours. Reportedly, if he turned around, you’d see his bare butt.

This is proof positive that the Dainty Men in America haven’t suffered enough.

PS – Where have all the real men gone? One thing is for sure, Gen. Mark Milley doesn’t know. We need someone who does.

800 People — a Red Tide

Or more than 250,000 a year, incrementalism at work.

This is the third installment of my 2022 mid-term election posts.

According to the latest woke media accounts, nearly 800 people a day are relocating to the Free State of Florida. Of course, that number may even be higher but for the purposes of this post, it’s more than sufficient.

Pure propaganda! Florida does NOT look like this.

Now. Do my eyes and ears deceive me, or has the Liberal-Progressive movement forgotten the importance of incrementalism? They’re all running victory laps on radio, TV, and the internet, because the anticipated mid-term election didn’t result in a Red Tidal Wave. It was more of a seasonal tide. Still, a victory is a victory, and let’s not forget that the popular vote went conservative.

Joe Biden and his Whitehouse staff are taking the Red Ripple (as they call it) for a mandate of their failing policies, and Joe thinks he’s unstoppably popular. But I think the left is closing its eyes to the truth so it can believe its own lies.

This is what moving to Florida really looks like. Don’t forget that spare wagon wheel. BTW, Florida is flat so you don’t need horses. Everyone pulls their own weight.

Keeping in mind that there’s always a little truth in every good lie, here’s how your friendly neighborhood Simple Bus Driver sees it.

Joe Biden is very popular, and the midterms prove it. True enough. But this popularity extends only to the Progressive Left. The same is true for all other liberal candidates who won election or re-election in the midterms. The voters electing these people are the democrat party’s core constituents, and they’re staying put. They live in blue states, they always have, and thank goodness for the Free State of Florida and her citizens, they always will.

But here’s the point they overlook, incrementalism is effectively making Florida the electoral powerhouse of the east coast. In just 7 years, there will be another census. New York (and the rest of the Northeast) won’t even be a close second to the Florida-Texas juggernaut that’s building today. New York and the surrounding states are losing population and with it, their influence on national policy. Because of population migration, they’ll lose power in the House of Representatives and by extension, the Electoral College.  It’s a major reason why the Left opposes the Electoral College and fervently supports DC statehood (another blue state).

States like New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are locked into their election results because the opposing side has either moved away or plans to in the very near future. The same is true of states like Washington, Oregon, and California. As I implied earlier, each is losing its population to Texas.

It’s a slippery slope, but Blue states have only one option: deepen the hue. How else do you explain Pennsylvania? First, they elect a senator who can’t string a coherent thought together, let alone a sentence. In retrospect, this might be good for Pennsylvanians since when Senator Fetterman could think and speak; he wanted to release murderers, rapists, and pedophiles, all while defunding the police.

But wait, not to be outdone by others, in the same election Pennsylvanians re-elected Anthony “Tony” DeLuca in a landslide. There’s just one problem, besides the fact that he’s a Democrat, he’s also dead, not just politically, he’s actually deceased.

The only rational explanation is that the people in these blue states do not vote issues, they vote party; the Bluer the party, the bigger the voting bloc. It’s these people, the northeast and west coast liberal progressives, which will be the first in line to register under the new Democrat-Communist Party of America in the not-too-distant future.

PS – Our first civil war was fought over slavery; our second will be fought over freedom for all. G-d help us if the North wins again.

Benedict Arnold in a Half-Shell, Rise of the Turtle

Mitch McConnell is the republican Nancy Pelosi.

This is the second in my series of posts to explain what happened to the 2022 Red Tsunami, and why it turned into a gentle red tide. In case you missed it, here’s the first.

Another crucial reason for the mid-term fizzle, one that isn’t getting the attention it should, rests squarely on the shoulders of Mitch McConnell. Of course, if you’re a Democrat or part of the democratic propaganda machine, then you have reason to celebrate the “Turtle.” But if you’re a Republican who thought real and immediate change was going to begin on November 8, 2022, it pains me to say this, but it won’t. And a big sarcastic thank you needs to be extended to — the “Turtle.”

Do you see it? Do you?

As Nancy Pelosi was so adept at doing in the Democratic Party, Mitch McConnell attempted to use the Republican Party to concentrate his personal power to the detriment of the rest of us. And he was successful. With his reelection as Senate Minority Leader, he will continue to influence the daily lives of the subservient (you and me), while at the same time, substantially increasing the fortune he’s already amassed.

Political office was never meant to be a viable source of income, or a career, which is why elective office comes with a relatively small paycheck, as it should. Politics was supposed to be a civic duty, a way to give back, not take.

Maybe you can explain to me why someone will spend millions of dollars every election cycle to be elected to a job that pays approximately $170,000 per year. While you’re at it, maybe you can explain how congressmen always retire as millionaires. Not sometimes, always, how is that possible?

The way to take careers out of politics, and bring civic duty back to political office, is through term limits. Will there still be outside financial influence from lobbyists? Sure, but at an exponentially reduced rate. I feel bad (only a little), for those few who became career politicians and still keep the needs of the people on the forefront, but it’s time for term limits.

So, let’s get back to my lead-in topic.

How did the “Turtle” retain his power? The answer lies in the power of the purse. He intentionally diverted funds away from the campaigns of rising star Republicans who would vote against him as Minority Leader. These were the no-name newcomers who bought into the idea that fresh blood was needed to effect change. And they were right.

But changing back to American values like fair elections, no indoctrination in public schools, and good old-fashioned hard work instead of handouts, is going to cost money too. Lots of it, and probably more than the Democrats spent getting us to the Woke Hell we live in today.

McConnell knows this better than anyone, and by diverting funds the way he did, he guaranteed democratic victories in key states that were winnable. So rather than lose his position as Minority Leader (and all the benefits it brings him), he sacrificed a senate majority and the welfare of a nation. Who else does this sound like? Does Nancy Pelosi ring a bell? Mitch and Nancy are two peas in a pod.

It’s the deep state at work, and the ones who should be the most infuriated (after the American People) are the republican Senators who just had their power whittled to a nub. If they don’t organize and take decisive action against this Benedict Arnold in a Half-Shell, it will be irrefutable evidence of the Deep State and its deleterious influence on the American way of life.

It bears repeating because it’s a major reason why the Red Tsunami turned into a gentle red tide. Mitch McConnell, by using his authority to distribute funds, withheld funds from Republicans who were poised to win. Why would Turtle McConnell snatch defeat from victory as established republicans always do? The answer is bus driver simple, self-interest, both political (power) and financial (greed).

Pelosi and McConnell are two sides of the same coin, career politicians. The “Turtle” proved it by showing his true colors. They aren’t Red, White, or even Blue. His color is Green, greener than the greenest sea turtle.

I know it isn’t a sea turtle, but come on …. He’s the perennial poster boy for term limits.

Our founding fathers never considered the possibility of career politicians. Political service was a civic duty you took on at great expense because you wanted to work for your country, not yourself.

Yellowstone, Trump, and the Republican Party

Arguably the hottest in a hostile environment.

This is the first post in my 2022 mid-term election series.

Kevin Costner as John Dutton.

If you haven’t watched Yellowstone, then you’ve at least heard about it. That’s because it’s excellent TV. It harkens back to a time when ratings were used to reflect audience approval, rather than push a political agenda. Thirty years ago Yellowstone would own the Emmys, today, nothing. It’s a hostile environment, to say the least, but they flourish regardless.

President Trump is in a similar situation, the swamp has never been deeper, and many political insiders are already taking an opposing position to his run for a second term. There is no greater hostility than the political environment in which Trump has been immersed for years.

After the 2020 election results, President Trump spent a lot of time speaking about the rigged election that the Democrats stole. And I, until recently, wholeheartedly agreed. It was the only thing that made sense, especially, after 75 million voters tried to reelect him. By the way, that would have been a greater margin of victory (by far) than Barack Obama had.

Also, operating under the assumption that the election was compromised, I wondered why nobody was held accountable and why the courts didn’t take action when the lawsuits were filed. It was not only frustrating, but it was also very curious. With little else to work with, I assumed it was all because of the Swamp and its hostility towards Trump.

Without getting into the specifics of each, I think we all can agree that mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, ballot curing, and early (unverified) voting, is rife with fraud and should be illegal in every state. But the sad truth is — it’s not. And almost everywhere it’s acceptable; the state is either blue or purple (democrat or swing state).

What does that mean? It means that when the democrats hijacked (stole) the election, rules were not broken — bent, absolutely, but not broken. So the courts, after reviewing the cases literally had nothing to address, and Biden’s election stands today.

It breaks my conservative heart to admit this, but the Bus Driver Simple truth is, Biden’s election wasn’t illegally stolen, it was legally commandeered.

For a unique but accurate perspective, consider the position of American Indians today. The Yellowstone writers and producers have an ongoing subplot that questions the white man’s acquisition of Native American lands. Was it just? Was it criminal? Was it downright reprehensible? Whatever your opinion is, the laws of the time made most of it legal.

You could even argue that the laws were written by white men, not Indians, and therefore shouldn’t apply. But if that were relevant, why aren’t the majority of landlords in today’s America, Native American?

It reminds me of a flashback scene in Yellowstone, where, as a boy, John Dutton and his father come across an Indian tribe camping on their land. There’s a discussion between the senior Dutton and the tribe’s Chief. The Indians were there to bury one of the elders and the Chief asked Dutton, “Is this your land now?”

Dutton nods, “It is.”

“It used to be ours.”

“I didn’t take it from you.”

The Chief looks Dutton in the eye, “It still got took.”

These four words say it all.

The Indians, prior to the founding of America, thought it inconceivable to own land; it was like owning air. Land is just there to be used in the same way air is just there to breathe, and selling it to white men seemed like a good way to get valuables for nothing. That’s because they were playing by the old rules. We now know that land can be owned just like the air above it.

In Yellowstone, the Indian Tribes learned their lesson and started to leverage their position to gain power, money, and yes, more land. By doing so, they were able to reestablish a customary way of life and freely practice their traditions for generations to come.

Republicans need to make the same shift. The rules are what they are and the Democrats are using them to their advantage. Republicans need to get on board, fight fire with fire, win elections (not lose), and that’s when you can change the rules.

In 2020, the white man won the Presidential election. In 2022 the white men and women survived the mid-term election using the same techniques. If Republicans don’t get in the game, 2024 will go the same way.

President Trump, please fight fire with fire: canvas swing districts, legally harvest votes where possible, and vigorously solicit early and mail-in ballots where applicable. And when votes need to be cured, make sure they’re cured the Right-Way.

Win the election, and then change the rules.

Derek Hunter has a must-read article in Front Page Magazine that explains this further. Republicans Better Get Good at What Democrats Do, and Quick | Frontpage Mag

PS – If Bill Gates is of Native American descent, then I stand corrected about the landlord assumption.

Judeo-Christian Americans 

Read this before you vote.

As I’ve pointed out before, Israel must stand as the Promised Land. It must stand as the Jewish State. These are facts that the bible is unequivocal about.

Joe Biden, in his unwavering support of the State of Israel (ha-ha), and his steadfast belief in the … Oh, you know, the thing … has once again, screwed the pooch on the world stage.

With its latest election results, Israel, has started on an irrefutable journey to reverse her past woke mistakes. Riding a wave of conservative logic, Mr. Netanyahu, in a decisive victory, won a third term as Prime Minister. This event occurred on November 01, 2022.

Meanwhile, here in the US, the man democrats call Mr. President, has yet to pick up a phone and call Prime Minister Netanyahu to congratulate him. Everyone else has. But Joe, among other things, seems to have forgotten the Prime Minister’s number.

Do you know who has called from the United States? And do you know to whom the call was made?

Our esteemed Secretary of State, Blinken, made sure to call Palestinian Leader Mahmud Abbas. The reason for the call was to confirm United States’ support for a Palestinian State on Israeli land. This — at a time when Ned Price, spokesman for the Biden administration, has publicly acknowledged great concern over Iran’s threats to attack Saudi Arabia.

In a sea of political instability and turmoil, the Jewish State of Israel plays an extraordinary role in maintaining world peace. It’s impossible to overstate the importance of a strong, enduring, democracy in the Middle East.

I guess Joe (LGB) Biden, forgot about Moses, and the promise that the Thing made to those people … you know, those people in the desert.

Moses at the precipice, as are we.

Elections have consequences, and the journey for America to correct her Woke mistakes starts tomorrow.