Benedict Arnold in a Half-Shell, Rise of the Turtle

Mitch McConnell is the republican Nancy Pelosi.

This is the second in my series of posts to explain what happened to the 2022 Red Tsunami, and why it turned into a gentle red tide. In case you missed it, here’s the first.

Another crucial reason for the mid-term fizzle, one that isn’t getting the attention it should, rests squarely on the shoulders of Mitch McConnell. Of course, if you’re a Democrat or part of the democratic propaganda machine, then you have reason to celebrate the “Turtle.” But if you’re a Republican who thought real and immediate change was going to begin on November 8, 2022, it pains me to say this, but it won’t. And a big sarcastic thank you needs to be extended to — the “Turtle.”

Do you see it? Do you?

As Nancy Pelosi was so adept at doing in the Democratic Party, Mitch McConnell attempted to use the Republican Party to concentrate his personal power to the detriment of the rest of us. And he was successful. With his reelection as Senate Minority Leader, he will continue to influence the daily lives of the subservient (you and me), while at the same time, substantially increasing the fortune he’s already amassed.

Political office was never meant to be a viable source of income, or a career, which is why elective office comes with a relatively small paycheck, as it should. Politics was supposed to be a civic duty, a way to give back, not take.

Maybe you can explain to me why someone will spend millions of dollars every election cycle to be elected to a job that pays approximately $170,000 per year. While you’re at it, maybe you can explain how congressmen always retire as millionaires. Not sometimes, always, how is that possible?

The way to take careers out of politics, and bring civic duty back to political office, is through term limits. Will there still be outside financial influence from lobbyists? Sure, but at an exponentially reduced rate. I feel bad (only a little), for those few who became career politicians and still keep the needs of the people on the forefront, but it’s time for term limits.

So, let’s get back to my lead-in topic.

How did the “Turtle” retain his power? The answer lies in the power of the purse. He intentionally diverted funds away from the campaigns of rising star Republicans who would vote against him as Minority Leader. These were the no-name newcomers who bought into the idea that fresh blood was needed to effect change. And they were right.

But changing back to American values like fair elections, no indoctrination in public schools, and good old-fashioned hard work instead of handouts, is going to cost money too. Lots of it, and probably more than the Democrats spent getting us to the Woke Hell we live in today.

McConnell knows this better than anyone, and by diverting funds the way he did, he guaranteed democratic victories in key states that were winnable. So rather than lose his position as Minority Leader (and all the benefits it brings him), he sacrificed a senate majority and the welfare of a nation. Who else does this sound like? Does Nancy Pelosi ring a bell? Mitch and Nancy are two peas in a pod.

It’s the deep state at work, and the ones who should be the most infuriated (after the American People) are the republican Senators who just had their power whittled to a nub. If they don’t organize and take decisive action against this Benedict Arnold in a Half-Shell, it will be irrefutable evidence of the Deep State and its deleterious influence on the American way of life.

It bears repeating because it’s a major reason why the Red Tsunami turned into a gentle red tide. Mitch McConnell, by using his authority to distribute funds, withheld funds from Republicans who were poised to win. Why would Turtle McConnell snatch defeat from victory as established republicans always do? The answer is bus driver simple, self-interest, both political (power) and financial (greed).

Pelosi and McConnell are two sides of the same coin, career politicians. The “Turtle” proved it by showing his true colors. They aren’t Red, White, or even Blue. His color is Green, greener than the greenest sea turtle.

I know it isn’t a sea turtle, but come on …. He’s the perennial poster boy for term limits.

Our founding fathers never considered the possibility of career politicians. Political service was a civic duty you took on at great expense because you wanted to work for your country, not yourself.

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