Uh-oh! 99-cent eBooks


The 99-cent deal on eBooks (including PNTP), is over. If you happened to miss this promotion, don’t despair. There’s always another in the works. Just keep checking my blog or visiting my website www.LDavydPollack.com

And by the way, a special thanks to all my fans who didn’t miss out.


99-cent eBooks and the Flu

What do 99-cent eBooks and the Flu have in common? Well, I’ve spent the last two weeks fighting off a bad case of the Flu and no, I didn’t get a Flu shot. Turns out (according to the latest news reports), it wouldn’t have helped much anyway. At least I didn’t have to go wait in line for some stranger to poke a hole in my arm with a sharp needle and charge me twenty-five dollars for the privilege. I guess I’m ahead of the game there.

Usually what happens when I get sick, which isn’t that often, is that I get the stuffy-head, runny-nose thing going for a day or so. Followed by a sore throat for another day or so. Then the whole thing lands in my chest and after five days of trying to hack out my lungs using nothing more than my ability to cough, it’s all over and life goes on.

But this time was different. Around the fourth day, I could feel that something wasn’t right. The effects of this Flu Bug were more intense, more determined to take me down than ever before. On the fifth day, it was even worse, so much so, that I told my girlfriend. On the seventh day, it was so bad that my girlfriend took half a day off from work to take me to the doctor. This is very important because I’m one of those guys who never goes to the doctor. Either I get better on my own, or I get so bad that someone else has to take me. What can I say . . . I was in no shape to drive.

Ultimately, by the time I saw the doctor I didn’t have the Flu anymore. That, I was able to beat on my own. The acute bilateral Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Otitis (ear infection), fever, and overall feeling of shit that the Flu left in its wake, was  a different story. Apparently, one antibiotic wasn’t going to be enough to vanquish this demonic plague. To win this battle, I was going to need two.

Good news, I’m over the hump and on the downside coasting to a full recovery. I was even able to refrain from coughing long enough to write this post. Hooray me! And because I’m in such a good mood, I’ve decided to pay it forward, just a little.

Starting, January 17th, all eBooks at www.LDavydPollack.com are available for download at just 99 cents each. What a deal! What a steal! Get it while the getting is good because this offer won’t last long. Just go to my website and follow the links. Who knows how long the mood will last . . . or maybe I’m still delirious?
