Freedom is Being Bullied

Will Anyone Pick Up the Fight?

Talking about the things you learn in public school: ask yourself a question that has immense ramifications for the future. With all the woke political correctness going on, who’s going to fight for freedom twenty years from now? It certainly isn’t going to be the children of today? They’ve been taught by the public school system that capitalism is bad. CRT is good. And worst of all, they’ve been programmed not to fight back when bullied.

For God’s sake, most kids don’t even know how to fight. Children are being suspended for merely pointing finger guns at each other. Imagine what would happen if they actually loaded those finger guns with say, rubber bands (like we did when I was a kid) and fired their weapons.

Today, what do you do if you’re a kid being bullied in school? Your only option is telling the teacher, otherwise, you could get in trouble too. There used to be a stigma attached to being a snitch, not anymore. It’s an insidious part of the crucial preprogramming of society that must be completed in preparation for communist rule. Don’t question authority, be a part of it, snitch. And never, ever, think for yourself.

When I was a kid in grade school, I had a different set of options available to me with regard to bullies. First, I could just take it, over and over again. Or, I could match verbal slur with verbal slur, shove for shove, and punch for punch. Or, when confronted for the first time, I could look that big bully straight in the eye, ball my fists, and make him pay for his mistake. You see, it just so happened that the night before, I was the proud recipient of a butt-whipping (leather and buckles were not spared). What did I do wrong? I said SHIT in front of my father. What was the bully’s mistake? Extremely poor timing.

The one thing I never even contemplated was telling a teacher. If I had, I’d be dubbed a Tattle-Tail for all eternity.

Suffice it to say, I was bullied exactly once in elementary school, exactly once in middle school, and exactly once in high school. If you put away your wokeness and consider all the options outlined in this post for a kid being bullied; which one do you think works best?


– I was always small for my age which explains the bullying.

 – In elementary school, I was paddled for fighting because I got caught defending myself—and enjoying it a little too much.

 – I learned my lesson. I didn’t get caught in middle or high school.

 – One day my lock jammed and I couldn’t lock my school locker. I brought the lock home, oiled it, and forgot to bring it back for a week. Nothing walked away.

 – My bike stayed at school all day, every day. I had a lock—I just never bothered to use it.

-I’m not a bad-ass, just a bad victim.

-Peace through strength … it works (if you learn how). Just ask Trump.

A Rose by Any Other Name …

Dispersed Migrant Anchors

This morning on Maria Bartiromo’s show (Sunday Morning Futures), she briefly talked about migrants and how the Biden administration is secretly dispersing them throughout the country. The Biden administration is shipping them by commercial airliners in the dead of night to scattered locations in various states. It sounds like a smuggling operation to me and I could write a half-a-dozen posts just on that topic alone. But there’s a bigger issue that never gets reported.

First, we need to address terminology inaccuracies, and Maria is guilty of this too. The people being smuggled into this country in the middle of the night are not immigrants, nor migrants; they are, without question, illegal. They should be incarcerated immediately, and then deported not dispersed. One thing is for sure, people shouldn’t be smuggled by the Biden administration or anybody else.

Maria. Please use the correct terminology. These people, regardless of their origin, are illegal aliens or illegal immigrants. A rose by any other name is still a rose. An illegal alien by any other name is still illegal—and is still an alien.

But once again, due to media ineptitude or purposeful bias, we are missing the big picture. And here it is. Every female illegal alien of reproduction age has the potential to have one or more anchor babies at some point during their stay in the US. What happens then?  Can you imagine the uproar of the left when you try to deport an illegal alien mother who has given birth in the USA? Why do you think the Biden administration, when it does get around to deporting someone, almost always deports men?

We need immigration reform, and it should include the offspring of all illegal aliens. The original intent of the 14th amendment guarantying birthright citizenship was so children of freed slaves would automatically be citizens. Anchor babies were never a consideration and should not be eligible for US citizenship.

This was written in 2010: OUTLAW ANCHOR BABIES (

Illegal aliens and their anchor babies should be deported so they can immigrate legally if that’s what they truly want to do. It’s a tough-love situation (love of the US). The left will go ape-shit, but it isn’t without precedent. Anchor babies are not legal in most countries: Ireland, France, New Zealand, and the Dominican Republic to name a few.

Experts: Leaked Illegal Immigration Stats Are ‘Undeniable’ Proof Biden’s Policies Caused Border Crisis; Pentagon OKs Third Military Base to House Illegals | Restoring Liberty (

If we don’t take action now to stop the flow of illegals and then reverse it, we won’t have a border crisis just for today; we’ll have a border crisis for a generation, maybe two.



This morning I woke up late. Yay! I’ve been driving all week which means 5 ten -hour shifts. I was still a bit sleep-foggy when I went to the kitchen, made breakfast, and turned on the TV. It wasn’t until after my first cup of java that I started to pay attention to what I was watching.

Fox News had Morgan Ortagus, Fmr. State Department Spokesperson, featured as a guest. She was there to discuss covid-19 (the China virus) and how there aren’t any real investigations going on; that our current government is not only ignoring the facts, but they’re actively trying to cover up the truth. A prime example is Fauci and the gain of function research denials, which ironically, NIH is no longer denying. Also, the host Rachel Campos-Duffy brought up a good point. The US government has been, and continues to be, an abject apologist for China due to the Biden administration’s close ties to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party – for those in Rio Linda).

We all know that gain of function research gave rise to the China virus, as it did with other viral mishaps in the past. We also know that the CCP is doing everything it can to cover its collective ass and shift blame onto others, especially those it doesn’t like. It’s what communists do when things go wrong, and they do it often. None of this should be news to you if you aren’t Woke politically.

But here comes the part that caused me to write this post. Ms. Ortagus made mention of the fact that the CCP disappeared the whistle-blowers working directly with the China virus at Wuhan. It’s an important point. The CCP is taking drastic measures to silence the truth because they’re frightened by it. Unfortunately, this is where most people stop. We don’t take the next, most logical leap regarding whistle-blowers in China.

Remember, these are smart, educated, forward-thinking scientists, who had to know that speaking out would be a death sentence, only carried out after relentless and severe torture. Yet they do it anyway. Why? To protect the world from a virus that’s less deadly than the FLU? Maybe. Or maybe we’re missing a huge portion of the puzzle because the box of missing pieces is hidden away, and heavily guarded.

There’s more here than the world knows and Morgan Ortagus is right. We aren’t seeing the truth because we aren’t looking for it. China needs to be held accountable by America first; the world will follow later as it always does.

What Would Douglas Say (part-1)

General Douglas MacArthur, General Mark Milley, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller

Right from the beginning let’s address the elephant in the room. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller spoke out publically against the military while actively serving. In military circles, this is tantamount to betraying your family. By saying the wrong thing even for the right reasons, you risk the lives of your fellow soldiers. It’s a fact that among other things, necessitates fervent trust within the military services.

It’s why when a soldier of any rank is given an order; that order is expected to be carried out. If an order is so wrong, so corrupt in its very nature that it defies all reason and must not be carried out, a soldier has only one recourse. Resignation. It’s intended to be a drastic remedy and there’s a purpose behind the intention.

War is a dirty business and it’s conducted in a way that civilians wouldn’t understand or tolerate. You can disagree with an order, you can even question an order given the right circumstance, you may even be able to proffer alternatives, but in the end, you do what you’re told. Just because you don’t agree with an order doesn’t mean you don’t have the responsibility to carry it out.  It’s not comfortable and it’s not uncommon.

Soldiers on the battlefield don’t know what their commanders know; the commanders don’t know what the generals know. It’s called the chain of command for a reason and it’s essential to a proper military.

Where am I going with all this? Well, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller knew what he was doing when he posted his grievance on social media. I can understand the frustration; I can understand the necessity to do something drastic when nothing else seems to work. But he made a mistake.

That’s right. In my opinion, the Lt. Col. put the cart in front of the horse. I think he should’ve resigned first, and then spoken out. I know there are time constraints but the symbolism is almost as important as the act. That said. He posted his objections to the Afghanistan retreat and requested accountability for its failure while still active duty. Of course, after the post was made public, the Marine Corps should’ve requested his resignation; it should’ve been submitted and accepted. The end. The ordeal is resolved.

This type of civil disobedience in the military is virtually always resolved by administrative penalty. He lost his career and his pension; it’s a huge sacrifice for speaking out and he chose to make it. Case closed. So why, after his resignation attempt, was the Lt. Col. arrested and thrown in the brig without formal charges? Answer. He isn’t woke.

General Mark Milley (mouse), on the other hand, is as woke as they come, and has publicly admitted to congress (by not denying it when asked) that he made phone calls to a hostile Chinese government intent on someday destroying America. He planned to warn the enemy of an impending attack should there be one. The telephone calls confirmed it. By anyone other than General Milley (mouse) and his woke cohorts, this is treason. He’s a traitor and the man (if you could call him that) should not only be fired, he should be rotting in the brig, not Lt. Col. Scheller. Scheller’s actions might have been extreme, but they weren’t treasonous.

I recently saw a historical piece on WWII and of course, General Douglas MacArthur was mentioned as a hero. In light of what’s happened in the last nine months with the Afghanistan debacle, the southern border invasion, the economic suicide regarding inflation that the Biden administration is presiding over, and let’s not forget the Lt. Col.’s imprisonment; I asked myself, what would MacArthur think.

You may be surprised by my take on the subject. See part – 2.

What Would Douglas Say

(part-2, please read part-1 first, it’s worth it)

General Douglas MacArthur, General Mark Milley, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller

After reading the above quote, it should be obvious to the average person, that General Douglas MacArthur would be aghast at what Lt. Col. Scheller did. An American hero like MacArthur would be fine with Scheller rotting the rest of his life away in the brig. Or would he?

I submit to you that such an assumption would be wrong, very wrong and I can prove it. Context is so important and history is where we get it. If you were educated in public schools prior to political correctness, affirmative action, no child left behind, common core, and critical race theory, then you’d know a little about American history. You’d know that General MacArthur was a WWII hero (I believe he was awarded the Medal of Honor) who later commanded American forces in Korea. You’d also know that President Truman fired MacArthur for insubordination after the General publicly denounced Truman’s policies regarding Korea. MacArthur did not resign before going public.

In light of what I just told you, reading the General’s quote changes your opinion of Lt. Col. Scheller doesn’t it? If it doesn’t, it should. It seems that Scheller and MacArthur may have been cut from the same cloth. Both sacrificed for those they serve and those they served with.

Scheller, like General MacArthur, put his career on the line to stand up and fight for what he believes.

It should be pointed out that MacArthur was not arrested and sent to the brig, he was fired.

After reading MacArthur’s quote for a second time with a little truth and factual history for context — who do you think he’d like to see rotting in jail?

General Mark Milley (mouse) gets my vote.

It’s China on line one for the General.

The Art of Not Saying

What They Want You to Think

It truly is an art form, and technically, it’s not lying. It’s saying things that lead you to think something else, and the progressive movement is proficient at it. It’s one of the most effective ways to make socialist and communist ideology mainstream thought, and it’s happening right before our eyes.

Yesterday, on CNN’s State of the Union, Dr. Fauci said (referring to the spread of covid-19), “This is not driven by immigrants.”

There aren’t truer words to describe the recent spread of the disease, and here’s why:

The people who are coming over our southern border in droves carry all sorts of diseases, including serious illnesses that we as Americans have long since mitigated. Diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, infectious tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and influenza caused by novel or reemergent influenza viruses, just to name a few. Then, there’s the high number of individuals infected with covid-19 and its variants.


Didn’t Dr. Fauci say that these people are not spreading covid in the U.S.?

No! He didn’t.

Dr. (?’able) Fauci said that immigrants are not the cause. The people invading our southern border are illegal immigrants. There’s a big difference.

The purpose of this wordplay that progressives employ with adroit reflex is twofold. First, it’s to get you to think what they didn’t say, is what they said, or vice versa. Second (and just as insidious), is to get you accustomed to language shift. The case in point here, referring to illegal aliens invading America at this very moment, as immigrants.

Tree of Life

First, some bus driver talk:

We just had our semi-annual route picks. Every six months we pick new routes to give drivers a break from routine and an opportunity, if one exists, to get a better route. It’s based on seniority and I’m not at the top of the list, but the good news, this time I was able to get one of my choices.

For the past few years I’ve been stuck on a particular route. As routes go, it’s one of the least favorite because it requires a special type of driver. For me, it wasn’t all that bad because, let’s just say—when I need to be, I can be very special.

In a nutshell, you have to deal with many (this is to satisfy the PC police) residentially challenged passengers who ride for free so they frequently ride, and they expect concierge service. I’ve developed a few techniques I use to remind them that I work for the county, not Uber, and they can stick their concierge service where the sun don’t shine. It’s been successful. Although in their case, that place where the sun don’t shine frequently sees sunshine—moonshine too. Modesty (by necessity) is not one of their virtues.

Now for the tree:

The image below is just another example of why I needed a change. It’s the stump of what used to be a beautiful shade tree that I passed under nine times a day while driving my route. It was beginning to grow into the power lines directly above and rather than trim it, they cut it down. That was about five months ago and for me, it was sad. Why? Because, on what was normally a dismal drive, this particular spot with its large shade tree and four-way stop, was a brief yet peaceful respite. Entertaining too! You can’t imagine how outrageously funny people can be until you watch them try to figure out how to work a four-way stop.

So there I was driving my route and passing this dead stump day in and day out, when out of nowhere, the unimaginable happened, and it happened fast. One day there was a dried-out stump, the next, it was green with life. And it really cheered me up to see that with each passing day, there was new growth, greener and denser than before. To me, it represented real hope for the future.

Then, on my last day driving this Godforsaken route; a beautiful sunny day that followed three days of rain; I expected to see the tree, my tree, thriving with life and promise. Alas, I think the meme speaks for itself.

Au Revoir, Vaya Con Dios — Later Old Friend

FFPR, A Little Something Different

Good News for a Change

Portrait of a Florida panther in Charlotte County, Florida.

Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge

Some estimates as low as 80 -100 still exist, most endangered species.

Blog Post Warning: the following is not going to sound like a bus driver bloviating. Instead, I’ll be using my author’s voice.

During the course of researching a particularly unique subplot in my novel, I came across an organization that was actively doing its best to help save the Florida panther. For years it seemed the fight was futile as numbers continued to decline. The challenges facing panthers and their looming extinction are numerous. Here are a few to consider: loss of habitat, vehicle strikes on Florida highways, birth defects (inbreeding), feline leukemia, and reduced viability due to fewer healthy panthers rarely coming in contact with each other during breeding cycles.

As the battle continues, small victories lead to larger ones and relentless tenacity can force a change in tides. Like the work that’s being done to save the panther, unrelenting persistence is a key theme that threads through my novel. Raymond Pollard (PNTP protagonist by nature) has a coincidental and seemingly small connection to the Florida panther that has a direct and long-lasting impact on his life. Not the least of which is the shared necessity to win small battles in preparation for what’s to come.

But this post isn’t about my book. It’s about the successful battles in the fight to protect one of Florida’s last native species. With good work and perseverance, the tides of defeat can change. Here’s the proof. Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge posted this on facebook.

P S – The father of these cubs survived being hit by a car.

PPS – I promote the cause with more than words.

PPPS – For those in Rio Linda, FFPR = Friends of the Florida Panther Refuge.

PPPPS – Also for those in RL, PNTP = Positives & Negatives, Tricycles & Pancakes.