I’ll Say What You Can’t

(if you’re in the military)

If you serve in any branch of the military, no matter your rank, you are expected never to speak out publically in opposition of your commanding officers or your commander in chief. If you do you suffer the consequences as did Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller. While to those outside the military, this might seem wrong and counterproductive, it is necessary. The point of such a rule is this. Only those who lead have all the facts, the big picture. And just because an order may seem wrong, it isn’t necessarily wrong, therefore orders must be followed, not questioned. It’s the only way a well-functioning military works.

Orders given—orders followed. There is trust on both sides of the equation. Leaders trust that their orders will be followed and those who are ordered trust that their leaders are doing what is right and just. Under normal circumstances and with competent leadership, the system works as it should. But there is an exception to this rule and there is only one solution: albeit a drastic one. If an order is so blatantly wrong that it can’t be obeyed, a soldier has a responsibility to his or her God, country, and fellow soldiers to disobey. But the cost is high, as it should be. It literally means losing everything.

You can see samples of this over and over in Hollywood productions both movies and TV where a junior officer refuses to carry out an order that a commanding officer issues. Usually, the commander has a personal agenda that doesn’t include the best interests of their country. Other times the leaders in charge are just bungling (woke) fools who are a disgrace to the uniform they don. But when push comes to shove and the cataclysmic end is near there’s always that lone soldier who stops the excrement from rolling any further down the hill, stands on principle and risking it all, disobeys an order. That’s the moment he or she becomes a true hero. In Hollywood it’s just a script, in the US armed forces, it means the end of your career.

Lt. Col Stuart Scheller had enough. There wasn’t one bad order or one bad commanding officer in Washington, the Afghanistan retreat is a hornet’s nest full of both. The list must be a mile long and at the top is Joe (the buck stops with me if I can’t find a way to blame Trump) Biden. Next comes Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley (mouse), then there’s the rest of the JCOS who have been conspicuously silent. Amongst all these decorated commanders, we have to go down the chain of command to Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller to find a man willing to risk it all.

That’s true heroism. But hell, what do I know, I’m just a bus driver.

For more perspective regarding the subject of me saying what those in the military can’t, please reference my previous posts The Tail is Wagging the Dog, where you’ll hear more about Gen. Milley (mouse) and also Shoes Before Socks, where some of the weak links in the chain are exposed.

PS – If by chance you are an active soldier and you like what you read, please do NOT share or retweet this content. You’ll probably get in trouble. But if you’re retired military and you like this stuff, feel free to spread the word.

The Tail is Wagging the Dog

(a real-life saga)

Starring in no particular order of relevance: DOD Press Secretary John Kirby, JCOS Gen. Mark Milley (mouse), Maj. Gen. William ‘Hank’ Taylor, Sec. of Defense Lloyd James Austin III, and last but not least US Sec. of State Antony John Blinken.

For the past few weeks (and probably more) these are the people responsible for the Afghanistan debacle. Joe Biden is just the fall guy. All you need to do is listen to a Joe Biden press conference and if you can make it to the end, the proof is in the pudding. The tail is wagging the dog.

Last week John Kirby said he had no indication that the Afghan Army would fall so fast. But the good news is our mission to secure the airport is a success.

Also last week, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley (mouse) took every opportunity to say that we had no indication the Afghan Army would fall so fast and the Taliban would take over equally as fast. But our mission to secure the airport is a success. Does this sound familiar?

It seemed as though Maj. Gen. William ‘Hank’ Taylor was a one-trick pony as well. Every question was answered pretty much the same way. Our mission was to secure the airport and the airport is secure. Wait, isn’t that what the other two guys said?

Sec. of Defense Lloyd James Austin III, in a total lapse of judgment and completely off the reservation, told the truth. He stated that regarding the ability to go out and rescue our citizens and allies the way the British, French, and even the Germans were able to do, we had no capability. I haven’t seen or heard from him since.

And Sec. of State Antony John Blinken who still thinks the best way to get our hostages (oops), I mean Americans and allies out of harm’s way is to negotiate with the Taliban. By the way, in case you don’t already know, the Taliban is harm’s way. You don’t negotiate with the Taliban. You tell the Taliban how they will die if they don’t comply.

Suffice it to say, if Blinken’s lips are moving, he’s lying.

If I were allowed into the Pentagon Briefing Room, I would have only one question for each of our illustrious stars. Why?

Why Mr. Kirby did you not have indications? Is it because Gen. Milley (mouse) didn’t inform you?

Why Gen. Milley (I’ll explain the mouse thing shortly) did you not have any indication whatsoever that the Afghan Army wasn’t up to the task? Isn’t it your job to know this fact? And isn’t it a dereliction of duty that you didn’t? Or maybe you were too wrapped up in Woking our military. How’s that working out for you?

Why Maj. Gen. Hank, didn’t you know? Gen. Milley (mouse) is far removed from boots on the ground but in a real way, aren’t you his backup? Why Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor didn’t you have any indications — oh wait. I already know the answer. The mission was to secure the airport and the airport is secure.

Why Sec. of Defense Austin III, did we not have capabilities similar to the British, French, and Germans? Is it because our Woke Generals in Washington and our Wokepolitical leadership suck Taliban donkey-di … Kong?

Why Sec. of State Antony (I don’t have an H in my first name because …) Blinken are you letting the Taliban … Oh never mind. If I ask you a why question your lips would move and quite frankly, I’ve had enough of the lies.

So the Tail is Wagging the Dog. It’s been that way since Biden took office and it will stay that way until we do something about it. If Joe gets impeached or removed from office because he’s incapacitated (physically and mentally), then Kamala becomes President and the Tail Continues to Wag the Dog (it’s called a sequel).

We need to reelect President Donald J. Trump if only so we can hear those immortal words, You’re Fired.

Now! For the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Why Gen. Mark Milley (mouse)? What gives me the right to criticize JCOS Gen. Mouse? Aren’t I not only disrespecting the man but also the uniform and this country? I submit to you that the answer to these questions is an emphatic NO. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Joe Biden blows monkey-chunks as President of the United States. This statement disrespects the man, not the office he holds. General Milley-mouse is the Chairman JCOS and as such, is the man, the last man in the military hierarchy with the responsibility to put himself between danger and the American people. Somewhere along his career path, he forgot that he’s a soldier and became a politician. When President Biden ordered a full-scale retreat from Afghanistan prior to securing the safety of our American citizens and allies, Gen. Mouse had a duty to say NO.  I will not give that order. At that moment, while not risking life or limb, Gen. Milley would have become a national hero. But because his career is more important to him than his duty, he became what he is today.

Gen. Milley-mouse I have another question for you. How do you find the courage to stand there at the podium in the Pentagon briefing room while wearing that uniform — and lie? I suppose I can understand why you would lie to the American people and even the world; hell … you’re a politician. But wearing that uniform implies that first, you are a soldier. How do you lie to the men and woman you command?

There are pictures of soldiers at the closed airport border gate that Joe Biden said was open and free-flowing … Sir, there are pictures of soldiers defying your orders and pulling women and children over the top of this gate. These Sir, are the heroes. Any one of them could take a sniper bullet at any moment. Yet they risk their lives, and yes, even their careers to save those who are innocent. My words don’t disgrace that uniform, Sir, you do. It’s time you do what you should have done before you gave the order to retreat, you should resign.

Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor, are you listening?

Socks Before Shoes

Is Biden smarter than a first-grader?

Prologue: I’ve been noticeably absent from posting lately. In the past, it would be attributed to my becoming lazy, but that isn’t the case this time. It’s because I’ve been fighting off the dastardly Covid-19 variant D (for Democrat). My intention was to reenter the blogosphere by posting about my experience and to disseminate a lot of the information the mainstream and social media giants are trying to censor. But my priorities have changed as only they should, when the lives of so many others need to come first.

Socks Before Shoes

Do you remember when your four-year-old put on shoes first, and then socks? If you don’t then you remember something similar and just as odd. Your child does this for two reasons. The first is humor. Your four-year-old knows it’s wrong and the logic incongruity is what makes it funny; your child is consciously aware of this fact and therefore, motivated. The second reason your four-year-old does this is curiosity. He or she wants to confirm that it isn’t right to put socks over shoes. By experimenting and observing your reaction as a parent, a child gets this confirmation, and learns. The first attempt usually results in laughter, as it should. Any subsequent attempts — not so much … Regardless, by the time our kid goes to first grade, socks come first, then shoes. It’s a fact.

As an adult, we can use life experiences and the lessons that we learned as a child, to work our way through real-world situations. I don’t have to be a military strategist and I don’t even need a military background to know that the current retreat from Afghanistan is all wrong. As a civilian, I don’t need the alphabet soup agencies (NSA, DOD, CIA, etc.) to advise me of this fact. As a free-thinking adult American, I can look at a military situation such as Afghanistan and know intuitively, you remove all Americans and SIV (special immigration visa) applicants before you remove your ability to defend them. It’s a fact.

President Joe Biden (said as I choke and gag), I have one rhetorical question for you. Are you smarter than a first-grader?

And now, to make things worse. According to the State Department website: The Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021, as enacted on July 30, 2021, authorized 8,000 additional Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) for Afghan principal applicants, for a total of 34,500 visas allocated since December 19, 2014. SIVs include Afghan allies and their family members. This process was started over six years ago. Why are Americans and our allies still in Afghanistan with absolutely no means of defense? The ESSAA of 2021 is prima facie evidence of a promise. If you help us, we will help you. This isn’t just a promise our country made — it’s a promise you and I made as American Citizens who supposedly elected our representative government. We made this promise to our Afghan allies.

The Biden administration is inept: we need no more examples. The current President is an unadulterated embarrassment to every American today and for decades to come. It’s time we do something about it.