Romney Crawls Out

I’m home from work sick with the flu today and I heard on the radio that Mitt Romney held a press conference. I had no idea what it was about but my first inclination was to wonder why he crawled out from under his rock in the first place. Look, I know from my last post some people might think that I’m a Trump supporter. So, I’m going on record right now. The only way I would vote for Trump is if his opposition is Hillary, Bernie, or Mitt. But that’s for another post.

So, where does Romney get the idea to go on national television and trash Trump? I’ll tell you where. It’s the Republican Establishment that gave us Mitch McConnell, John “Cry Baby” Boehner, and yes, even Paul Ryan. And no, I’m not going to sugarcoat it, these guys are liars. They, and every single career politician like them, will say and do whatever they think they need to in order to stay in power. Forget what’s right or good for the country.

That said. No matter what Mitt does or says, now or in the future, will ever erase the image in my mind of that man at the end of the third debate. He was the last to speak and Barrack Hussein Obama could not respond. The camera was close in, the presidency on the line and millions of voters were waiting to hear him say, “And if I were President, Benghazi would never have happened. Furthermore, if you elect me President, those guilty and the countries that support them, will be held to account.”

He said nothing.

This is the man who now stands and criticizes Donald Trump on national TV. Romney, a man who quite literally looked America in the eye, squatted, and took a huge fly-circling, steamy-stinky shit on all his supporters, the office of the President, and the United States of America. It wasn’t just a mistake; it was a colossal exhibition of ineptitude.

By the way, didn’t Trump endorse Romney when Romney ran for President? I wonder what Mitt was saying about Donald back then (just four years ago). Liar, liar!

Mitt, I have two words of advice for you. First, please do us all a favor and crawl back under that rock you were hiding under and don’t ever come out again. Second, most of us, Liberal, Independent, and Conservative, consider our pets as part of the family. Family rides in the car, not on top of it.


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